Jordan Davis
Jordan has improved 21 meters (63m to 84m) Holds the D2 Record, US Collegiate record, 3x first team All-American and 2x D2 National Champion under the Jacked Javelin training system
Jordan is currently the #6 thrower all time in US History

Dan Labbadia & Jordan Davis at the 2024 Gold Key event where Jordan was named CT athlete of the year, the best athlete in the state across all sports and levels.

Jordan's 21m Transformation from 63m to 84m

Jordan Davis wins 2022 National Championship, then wins again in 2024, watch interview for a piece on Jordan & Coach Dan

Nevan Burke
Nevan has improved 20 meters (47m to 67m) He has also squatted 525lbs and Bench Pressed 350lbs under the Jacked Javelin training system.

Nevans' Transformation from 47m to 67m

Hear what 4x Olympian Kara Winger has to say about Jacked Javelin
Kara is also the USA Womens record holder at 68.11m and 9x US champion

Olympian Ariana Ince routinely uses Jacked Javelin training programs in her offseason regimen.

Ariana is #4 all time in USA history with a PR of 64.38m

Nutrition Coaching Results